Usher’s Ministry

Usher’s Ministry

To exercise our innate gift of helping and giving in a manner that exemplifies the Body of Christ and the vision of the church with excellence and professionalism. To work in concert with the Deacons and the Hospitality Ministry; to serve our parishioners while ensuring that our services are conducted in a safe and orderly...

S.U.R.E We Care Ministry

S.U.R.E We Care Ministry

The Saviour Using Real Epistles (S.U.R.E.) Foundation and Ministry was established to utilize outreach initiative by assisting poverty stricken and destitute communities, including equipping individuals with necessary resources to become self-sufficient and to reach the “whole man.”

S.C.O.P.E. Young Adult Ministry

S.C.O.P.E. Young Adult Ministry

To promote spiritual growth, leadership and personal development for young adults ages 18-40 years, through monthly gatherings, interactive bible studies, community involvement and educational opportunities. Founded in 2009, our mission is to “Plug-In” young adults to the progressive church; reboot their spirituality to enable them to evangelize to other young adults to win souls for...

Newsletter Ministry

Newsletter Ministry

Our objective is to provide and distribute quality news and reports on timely issues that relate to spiritual matters pertaining to Koinonia’s people and the surrounding community at-large.

Music Ministry

Music Ministry

To build and maintain an effective Music Ministry that provides quality music that glorifies God, and brings people closer to Him. The Music Ministry is based on the biblical command to “Let everything that hath breath, Praise the Lord!”

Kingdom Building Youth Ministry

Kingdom Building Youth Ministry

To leave no youth behind, every youth attending Koinonia Worship Center will have the support of the entire Village. We will assume the responsibility to lead the youth, infant to 17 years, in the direction they need to go in order to be successful spiritually, physically and mentally. To encourage children to enter into a...